Otology fellowship

Otology Fellowship

One of my top achievement in my life is establishing accredited post residency training in otology, neurotology and lateral skull base surgery,. This is the first program in middle east and after which many programs followed after seeing the top quality of our graduate. Now, I am learning from my ex-fellow and ask them for help with some difficult cases.

Dr. Afrah Alshalan
Otology Fellow
Dr. Majed Assiri
Otology Fellow
Dr. Marzouqi Salamah
Otology Fellow
Dr. Asma Alahmadi
Otology Fellow
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Dr. Fida Almuhawas

Dr. Hassan Alshehri

Dr. Isra Ali Al-Jazeeri

Dr. Tawfiq Khurayzi

Dr. Yazeed Ali Alshawi

Dr. Eman Hagr

Dr. Saad Alenzi

Dr. Rayan Al Hussini

Dr. Roa Halawani

Dr. Rabea Al-Sabaila

Dr. Ibrahim Alshami

Dr. Munahi AlQahtani

Dr. Roa Halawani

Dr. Rabea Al-Sabaila

Dr. Ibrahim Alshami

Dr. Munahi AlQahtani

أول خريج لزمالة الأذن

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